MVRDV - Bagneux



The creation of this new neighbourhood is seen as an opportunity to reshape the public space while offering a respectful density toward the various context surrounding the site; from the industrial areas in the north to the residential area in the south. As a transversal theme, we developed a set of urban farming tools to face the increasing demand for locally produced food in a future metropolitan area. The Bagneux project was part of a group competition  Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris.

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Within this lively atmosphere sits a new cultural arts centre. This is set on the exact location of the old studio of the local Artist Albert Ferraud; a tribute to his ethos of ‘recycling’ and popular art.

This increase in housing density on the site is devised together with the implementation of a spectrum of urban farming solutions on different scales. On the city scale, the creation of a new Farm Lab, embodied in a green tower, creates a landmark for the users of the “coulée verte” and offers a new source of local food production and animation for the inhabitants of Bagneux. On the domestic scale, through 8 building families, the masterplan proposes new potentials in farming. All opportunities are explored to support the possibility for residents to grow their own food.


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