MVRDV - Jan Knikker speaking in Budapest at the Viz Business Event

Jan Knikker speaking in Budapest at the Viz Business Event


MVRDV Partner Jan Knikker is speaking Friday 10 May 2019 in Budapest at the Viz Business Event.

The Viz Business Event is a series of conferences, workshops and exhibitions organised by the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre and Brick Visual and dedicated to the business benefits of architecture visualization. The topic of this year is "Architecture vizualisation as competitive advantage", so Jan Knikker is going to talk about "Survivig Competitions"
The accompanying exhibition, The Art of Viz Business is showcasing world-class, local ArchViz studios and artists delivering award winning designs to top architecture firms globally.

Date: 10 May 2019

Location: A38 Ship, Budapest

Find out more.

Image from our winning KoolKiel competion.