MVRDV - Inger Kammeraat steps down as MVRDV's managing director

Inger Kammeraat steps down as MVRDV's managing director


After more than twelve years with MVRDV, of which five were as Managing Director, Inger Kammeraat has decided that the time has come to explore other options in her professional life, and as a result she is stepping down from the practice. We want to thank Inger for her outstanding contribution to MVRDV, especially in guiding us through the turbulence and impacts caused by COVID, her ability to bring structure while keeping space for the creative process, and her strategic guidance in setting up each of our four satellite offices. With Inger’s strong emphasis on making sustainability a top priority in all we do, her sustained and selfless commitment to our growth and evolution, and last but not least, through leading the organisation with integrity and conviction, she leaves MVRDV with an excellent platform for future growth and the next phase for the business, which includes the transition to a new Managing Director. 

“I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved in recent years at MVRDV”, says Kammeraat. “The company has more than doubled in size since its strategic reorganisation in 2016, going from around 150 to over 300 people, and we have taken many steps in professionalising our business. We grew into new locations, adding offices in Paris, Berlin, and New York to our existing offices in Rotterdam and Shanghai. When I visit these other offices, I still get that MVRDV feeling – not only because the same projects are pictured on the walls, but because the atmosphere, the people who work there, they truly represent MVRDV values and ideas. We have increased our focus on sustainability, with our MVRDV Climate and MVRDV NEXT teams making significant progress in mastering carbon emissions. If I was responsible for accelerating this even a little, I can be proud to say ‘I was a part of that!’” 

We’re looking forward to announcing the new appointment in the near future to help both deliver on our ambitious targets for 2024 and the continued excellence of our architecture. Ensuring that business continues to be delivered as usual in Rotterdam and across our satellite offices in the meantime, we are pleased to confirm that Sigrid Baas has been appointed interim Managing Director. Sigrid is a supervisory board member of the consultancy and engineering firm Movares, partner at the TheLeadershipAdvisory, and runs her own strategic advisory practice. With significant leadership experience across a variety of organisations including Greenpeace, JustGiving, and Danone, Sigrid is perfectly positioned to support MVRDV in the short-term.