MVRDV - Jan Knikker to lecture on the future of the Inner City at The Immobilienforum 2023

Jan Knikker to lecture on the future of the Inner City at The Immobilienforum 2023


How can we shape the future Inner City by creating collaborative spaces that simultaneously celebrate the past while taking into account future urgencies? 

Join Jan Knikker on June 16 for a lecture on the topic at the ImmobilienForum near Frankfurt. Jan will delve into MVRDV's vision of the future Inner City, a city where sustainability is at the heart of the design process : from creating innovative transport systems, transforming buildings to foster new uses and building structure adaptable to climate change. To illustrate his lecture, Jan will highlight MVRDV projects such as Ascencion Paysagere, Hoogstraat, and Grotius Towers that demonstrate how MVRDV puts this vision into practice.

The ImmobilienForum is an event organised by IMMO EBS network, the largest German alumni network in the real estate industry. The 32nd edition of the forum titled "Real Estate is Coming Home" will gather 200 professionals from the industry to share insights on how urban development can contribute to keeping cities attractive over time and across generations. 

Partner and Director of Strategy at MVRDV, Jan Knikker joined MVRDV in 2008. Prior to this, Knikker shaped OMA’s public image for nearly a decade, after having first began his career as a journalist. As Partner and Director of Strategy at MVRDV, Knikker drives Business Development and Public Relations efforts, spearheading a large and dynamic studio that also includes the office’s visualization capacity. He further leads the office’s branding efforts, and MVRDV’s expansion into new regions and typologies, by supporting the office’s ambition to generate solutions to global challenges through a multifaceted approach to architecture, urbanism, and computing.

  • Date & Time : June 16 - 10:00 (CET).
  • Location : Burg Crass, Freygäßchen 1, 65343 Eltville am Rhein, Germany. 
  • Read more about the forum here