MVRDV - Jan Knikker to lecture on collaboration at the By Design Conference Bratislava

Jan Knikker to lecture on collaboration at the By Design Conference Bratislava


Jan Knikker, Partner and Director of Strategy, will be delivering a lecture at the upcoming By Design Conference in Bratislava. The conference, which revolves this year around the theme of collaboration in design and architecture, aims to foster innovative ideas and ignite meaningful discussions among industry professionals.

MVRDV has always placed collaboration at the heart of its practice. Jan Knikker's presentation will delve into the power of collective intelligence, exploring how collaboration influences and shapes the realm of design and architecture. By Design Conference is an annual conference for creative professionals on design, business and social responsibility that brings new points of view and actionable know-how to their audience.

Partner and Director of Strategy at MVRDV, Jan Knikker joined MVRDV in 2008. Prior to this, Knikker shaped OMA’s public image for nearly a decade, after having first began his career as a journalist. As Partner and Director of Strategy at MVRDV, Knikker drives Business Development and Public Relations efforts, spearheading a large and dynamic studio that also includes the office’s visualization capacity. He further leads the office’s branding efforts, and MVRDV’s expansion into new regions and typologies, by supporting the office’s ambition to generate solutions to global challenges through a multifaceted approach to architecture, urbanism, and computing.

  • Date: June 10, 2023.
  • Location: D.P.O.H, Laurinská 478/20, Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • You can find more information on the conference here.