MVRDV - Winy Maas to lecture on "Vision into Practice" at the London Festival of Architecture 2023

Winy Maas to lecture on "Vision into Practice" at the London Festival of Architecture 2023


How can architecture transcend its physical form and serve as a catalyst for fostering meaningful connections and relationships among individuals? 

Join Winy Maas on June 22nd for a keynote lecture organised by RIBA (the Royal Institute of British Architecture) as part of the London Festival of Architecture. MVRDV's founding partner will delve into the strong influence of architectural principles, demonstrating their capacity to extend beyond physical structures. The lecture will illuminate how architecture can shape and define user interactions and engagement, ultimately enhancing their well-being through meaningful connections with both people and place. Drawing from MVRDV's broad portfolio, which encompass remarkable projects such as Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen and Valley, Winy will illustrate how this vision can transform into practice! 

The ‘M’ of MVRDV, Founding Partner and Principal Architect Winy Maas has received international acclaim for his broad range of urban planning and building projects, across all typologies and scales. These are often self-generated, innovative, experimental, and theoretical. Driven by this dedication to green, user-defined, sustainable cities and spaces, Maas’ leadership drives many of the office’s award-winning projects, amongst them Rotterdam’s Markthal, Crystal Houses, the Tianjin Binhai Library, Valley and the first publicly accessible art depot in the world, Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen. 

This lecture is part of the London Festival of Architecture 2023, themed "In Common" which serves as a vibrant platform to open-up discussions, pioneer innovative concepts, and unearth emerging talents, all while celebrating the unifying power of architecture. 

  • Date & time : June 22nd - 18:30-20:00 (GMT+1).
  • Location : RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architecture - Jarvis Lecture Theatre, 66 Portland Place, London W1B 1AD, United Kingdom.
  • More information on the lecture here