MVRDV - Jan Knikker to lecture on Freedom of inner space at Living Forum 2023

Jan Knikker to lecture on Freedom of inner space at Living Forum 2023


Given that people spend on average 90% of their time indoors, MVRDV believes in its core that our interior designs should embody the same spirit as architecture. We strive to infuse our smaller, human-scaled interior projects with the bold and unexpected qualities of our buildings – ingenious, vibrant, diverse and more.

Jan Knikker will share MVRDV's strategy to interior design on May 16th during a lecture at the Living Forum 2023 organised by Prague's Institut bytoveho designu- Institute of Interior Design . The theme of the lecture being ''Freedom of inner space'', he will develop MVRDV's approach to innovative interior design. An approach that ensures that our designs not only look stunning, but are functional and adaptable.

Partner and Director of Strategy at MVRDV, Jan Knikker joined MVRDV in 2008. Prior to this, Knikker shaped OMA’s public image for nearly a decade, after having first began his career as a journalist. As Partner and Director of Strategy at MVRDV, Knikker drives Business Development and Public Relations efforts, spearheading a large and dynamic studio that also includes the office’s visualization capacity. He further leads the office’s branding efforts, and MVRDV’s expansion into new regions and typologies, by supporting the office’s ambition to generate solutions to global challenges through a multifaceted approach to architecture, urbanism, and computing.

  • Date & time : May 16th, 10.35 (CET)
  • Location : DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Poupětova 1, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia
  • More information here