MVRDV - Sven Thorissen to lecture on happy and adventurous places at Münster School of Architecture

Sven Thorissen to lecture on happy and adventurous places at Münster School of Architecture


How can architecture create happy and adventurous spaces in a smart and thoughtful way? On March 30, Sven will give a lecture at the MSA – Münster School of Architecture, hosted by MAIV – Munich’s Association of Architects and Engineers. He will share MVRDV’s approach to creative and fun architectural design using examples from MVRDV’s portfolio.

MVRDV has always pushed forward unique buildings. Examples of happy projects such as WERK12 or Fuggerei Pavillion create excitement thanks to a fun composition and projects like Tainan Spring and One Green Mile bring new life to forgotten places in a bold way.  Adventurous projects like Rotterdam's Rooftop Walk show another view on the city and buildings such as Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen use interactive interiors to create a unique user experience. Sven will use during his lecture the examples hereabove and many others to demonstrate how MVRDV manages to create audacious and fun projects!

Director and Architect Sven Thorissen currently oversees MVRDV’s Das Studio, explicitly focused on growing the office’s profile and portfolio in Germany. Thorissen returned to MVRDV in early 2019 after a 12 year-hiatus, a considerable period of which he was working as Concept Developer for Proper Stok and Strategic Advisor Spatial Development, Economy and Sustainability for the municipality of Alphen aan den Rijn. He leverages this broad range of experience with private and public organizations, across architectural design, project development, and sustainability in his studio leadership.

  • Date & time: March 30 – 19.00 (CET).
  • Location: MSA Hörsaal, Leonardo-Campus 5, 48149 Münster.
  • More information can be found here