MVRDV - Fokke Moerel to lecture on designing in a local context at the University of Lisbon

Fokke Moerel to lecture on designing in a local context at the University of Lisbon


Partner and Architect Fokke Moerel is set to give a lecture at the School of Technologies and Architecture of the ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon on March 9 about MVRDV’s approach to designing buildings that are both internationally recognized and locally relevant. Her presentation will explore how to create a unique design approach that draws inspiration from the specific context and culture of each project.

Despite working on an international scale, MVRDV is committed to creating buildings that are deeply rooted in their local context. This involves taking into account the specific cultural, social, and environmental conditions of each project and using these as a starting point for the design process. During her presentation, Fokke will discuss MVRDV projects such as Didden Village, a rooftop extension on a historical building in Rotterdam, as well as the Rotterdam Rooftop Walk and Stairs to Kriterion. Other projects to be discussion in her presentation are the Markthal and Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen.

Partner and Architect Fokke Moerel was one of the first architects to join MVRDV in 1998. Her projects include public and cultural buildings, as well as transformations of monumental buildings that endeavour to revive their immediate urban context. To this end, she oversees teams working on projects ranging from interior design to public buildings. Through, she generates a strong relationship between interior and exterior public programme.

ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa is a Portuguese public education institution. It is located in the city centre of Lisbon, in Cidade Universitária. The Department of Architecture and Urbanism is an organizational unit of ISCTE that is deeply embedded in its scientific and academic community. Fokke’s lecture will be part of the Forum of ISTA (School of Technologies and Architecture). This event is an initiative from several students and professors of the various course. Its objective is to bring students closer to the profession for which they study, promoting interaction between professionals/companies and the students.

  • Date & time: March 9 – 16:30-17:30 (CET).
  • Location: ISCTE-IUL Campus - Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Find more information of the event here.