MVRDV - Daniel Diez to present at the Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo

Daniel Diez to present at the Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo


The Lyon Part-Dieu shopping centre houses a mixture of commercial, leisure and newly created public space. MVRDV's design to restructure each side of the mall, opening up the building to the street and adding a vast public roof garden. The revitalised façade, coupled with the redefinition of spaces within and outside the building, looks to reconnect the Part-Dieu centre with not only its immediate surroundings, but also to the greater Lyon. 

On the 20th of October, join Daniel Diez as he discusses MVRDV's Lyon Part Dieu project and the new forms of concrete for the building's envelope. The Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo has been running for over 15 years and is an international event for innovative building envelopes. 

BIM & Building Skins Specialist, and Senior Architect, Daniel Diez leverages his expertise in technically complex projects to help design teams conceptualize comprehensive façade strategies that are not only attractive, but also functional and sustainable. He has demonstrated these skills in several challenging projects, including MVRDV’s Lyon Part Dieu, where the façade strategy and BIM coordination have been integral to the success of the design, in both concept, and execution phases. In addition, Diez has experience across a broad range of design projects, ranging from residential, to commercial office towers, and from conceptual phases through to realization.

  • Date & Time : October 20 | 13:30 CEST.
  • Location: Bern, Switzerland.
  • You can find more information here.