MVRDV - Project leaders Lorenzo Mattozzi and Cosimo Scotucci to supervise studio at the University of Melbourne

Project leaders Lorenzo Mattozzi and Cosimo Scotucci to supervise studio at the University of Melbourne


MVRDV Project leaders Lorenzo Mattozzi and Cosimo Scotucci will be teaching an intensive course at the University of Melbourne. They will be leading one of the five online Venice Studios on behalf of MVRDV, where their studio is called “Fundaments and Fragments”. The Venice Studio is a collaboration between the University of Melbourne (School of Design), the European Cultural Academy of Venice and IUAV Archivio Progetti.

The course will focus on the discovery and revision of one of the greatest holistic visions for Venice: the 1557 plan by Cristoforo Sabbadino. It will take the well-known MVRDV projects Seoullo 7017 Skygarden as an example of urban renovation and activation. Students will be able to find out more about MVRDV’s methodology and the Seoullo 7017 Skygarden while uncovering the themes and challenges of the course.

The other studios are led by renowned architectural practices such as Bolles+Wilson, UN Studio, Sauerbruch and Hutton and MAP Studio. The course will last for 2 weeks and will take place every morning for 3.5 hours.

  • Dates: July 5 – July 16.
  • More information can be found here

Lorenzo Mattozzi 


Cosimo Scotucci