MVRDV - Jan Knikker lecturing on new popular scenarios of food

Jan Knikker lecturing on new popular scenarios of food


MVRDV Partner Jan Knikker speaks on Tuesday, November 5, at YAcademy in Bologna about "Markthal: new popular scenarios of food". The lecture is part of the high-level training course "Architecture and Food. Taste at the Heart of Design", organized by YAC Academy, Italy, an association which promotes architectural competitions aimed at fostering culture and design research.
In the contemporary world, food means history, identity, the memory of place and people’s tradition of which the cooks have become the new guardians. They became guru, role models, real leading stars of the cultural and communicative contemporary scene and in the same way the places where we buy or eat our food are getting always more important. Not by chance, MVRDV's Markthal in Rotterdam is an excellent example of a new popular architecture related to the world of food.

Date: 5 November 2019, 4-6 PM
Location: Ariostea, Via Cimabue, 20 - 42014 Castellarano (Reggio Emilia), IT
Find out more.

Image: Ossip van Duivenbode