MVRDV - Nathalie to lecture on the future of urban planning at the Verein für Baukultur Osnabrück

Nathalie to lecture on the future of urban planning at the Verein für Baukultur Osnabrück


In today's rapidly changing world, addressing urban planning challenges of climate change or social inequality in an innovative way is more than needed. 

Nathalie de Vries will discuss the importance of thinking urban planning at different scales from single buildings to entire cities and how interconnected those scales can be. She will push forward examples of MVRDV's broad repertoire to demonstrate how bold and smart solutions can serve positively urban challenges. To do so, she will also give a closer look on how technology can provide valuable insights into designing more liveable future cities. 

This lecture will kick off the Baukultur Talks Osnabrück 2023, a series of talks to raise public awareness on regional building culture and focused this year on the importance of an overall urban planning concept for Osnabrück. These events are organized by the Association for Building Culture Osnabrück / Verein für Baukultur Osnabrück.

As the “DV” of MVRDV, founding partner Nathalie de Vries has led many successful MVRDV projects, with a focus on the invention of new building typologies and the creation of changeable, open systems. De Vries combines her work for MVRDV with a position as professor of Architectural Design and Public Building at the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft. The central theme in her research, design, and construction of public buildings and public space is “Multiplicity in Design”.

  • Date & time : May 3 - 18.00 (CET).
  • Location : Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Lotter Straße 2, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany.
  • More information on the lecture here.